Three times a year Steam puts on the Steam Next Fest, a festival of game demos unlike what we’ve seen in gaming since the early days of demos discs . Hundreds of demos for up and coming games are released and promoted to get more eyes on what’s coming in the year, and I’ve put together a list of some of my favorites from the February 2025 Steam Next Fest.
Deliver At All Cost

A wacky driving game that is reminiscent of the original Grand Theft Auto games, but playing as a courier who must deliver his non conventional deliveries at all costs. This includes driving through entire buildings or jumping massive gaps. It’s a wild mess of explosions and chaos that we absolutely loved.
A Week In The Life Of Asocial Giraffe

If you’ve ever been out in public but not felt like talking to anyone, have we got a game for you. A Week In The Life Of An Asocial Giraffe has you playing as an anti-social Giraffe forced to perform daily tasks but the puzzles lie in avoiding all human interaction. The puzzles are simple enough but bring enough light hearted comedy that we fell in love with the plight of this Giraffe, but hey who hasn’t been in his shoes sometimes?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown

Developer Strange Scaffold has some of the wildest and chaotic game catalogs out there with games based on commentary around the military industrial complex, kink in a world of isolation and even space organ stock trading. Now, seemingly out of nowhere they got access to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles license and they use it to make an XCOM styled strategy board game? I don’t know what their approach is but Strange Scaffold has proven that they have the chops to tackle any genre and this one is a blast to play.
Tenebris Somnia

What if you mixed Maniac Mansion with Resident Evil and add in full motion video? That is what we’re getting with Tenebris Somnia. A puzzle adventure game set in a horror mystery and right when things get particularly unnerving, the game cuts to full motion video of the terror unfolding in front of you. It’s an intriguing package that uses FMV to heighten the tension but plays well within the puzzle adventure structure.
Blue Prince

Blue Prince is a fascinating puzzle game where you are to inherit a massive mutating mansion from a mysterious family member, but the only way to actually get the house is to map out its numerous rooms and find the mysterious final hidden room. To do this you need to explore each room and when you attempt to progress to the next room, you are given a prompt to pick between 3 options, each will expand the mansion. The trick is, not all will have adjoining rooms so you may end up in a dead end, some rooms also take currency you find around the mansion to create, so there’s that wrinkle. In the end, you are attempting to create this configuration of rooms that will lead you to the final room. If you can’t in a single day, you leave and come back the next day to try again with the mansion reset. This is for the trial and error junkies out there.
Steam Next Fest runs from February 24th to March 3rd.