This year we’re putting together a list of 31 Retro Horror games. Games that have come from dead console generations, back to haunt us. Sadly, not all of these games will be available for you to play due to the complicated nature of video game preservation. However, we’re going to note if it’s possible to play them on modern hardware. We'll be covering games from the Seventh Generation (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii) and earlier. So basically anything before 2006.
Day 20

Roberta Williams is a name more people should know. It’s a bummer they don’t. She was responsible for the very first graphics in a computer adventure game. Seriously. And along with Ken Williams and their company Sierra On-line they were responsible for the King’s Quest series along with a bunch of other adventure games from that era. They were a big deal.
So when Roberta Wililams said she wanted to do a horror game, it got the attention of the entire industry. Roberta Williams doesn’t do anything half-assed either, she really put her heart and soul into Phantasmagoria, watching lots of horror movies before she even had a story to develop from.

Utilizing full motion video (FMV) was still considered (mostly) cutting edge at the time. And Phantasmagoria had some of the best looking FMV of its era. Unfortunately, it was adrift in a sea of a whole bunch of other FMV horror titles.
But FMV video games have had a resurgence the last few years–and while Phantasmagoria isn’t exactly like those FMV games, it’s definitely still worth playing today. And thankfully, that’s pretty easy to do if you have access to a modern computer and Steam.